Tuesday 11 April 2017

Lima cara bagaimana aku kekalkan fokus

Salam dari Kolej Matrikulasi Negeri Sembilan,

Peperiksaan semakin hampir. Mood aku nak belajar kejap naik kejap turun macam roller coaster. Tetapi sebagai pelajar matrikulasi dua tahun, aku kena 'ajar' diri aku untuk lebih fokus dan berdisiplin. Masa 'lebih' yang aku habiskan di KMNS haruslah berbaloi. Aku nak pada bulan September 2018, berebut-rebut universiti awam offer course pilihan pertama kepada aku. 😀 Meh sini aku share lima cara bagaimana aku kekal fokus.

 Check it out!

Tidur yang cukup - bagi aku tidur yang cukup dapat memulihkan tenaga serta memperbaiki sistem metabolisme badan dengan cara ini otak boleh berfungsi dengan efisien nya.Tidur yang cukup membuatkan aku tidak mengantuk didalam kelas.

Hilangkan kebiasaan malas-malas adalah rasa dalam diri aku mungkin juga orang lain,malas ini kebiasaanya suka menunda kerja yang dilakukan.Untuk aku atasi penyakit malas ini ,aku selalu ingatkan diri aku,kenapa aku berada disini dan tujuan mama untuk hantar aku ke sini.

Usahakan untuk duduk dihadapan-Didalam kuliah,amalkan diri untuk duduk dihadapan kerana tiada ganggu dari hadapan,terus kepada lecturer,kadang-kadang duduk dibelakang dapat mengurangkan konsentrasi diri.

Niat pergi ke kelas-sebelom keluar bilik setiap pagi ,aku niat pada hati aku "menuntut ilmu kerana Allah".Dan amalkan zikir antara maghrib dan isyak dengan zikir "ya rasyid" sebanyak 1000x yang membawa maksud maha cendikiawan.

Preview topik-sebelum tidur aku akan baca topik yang aku kurang faham,cuba untuk baca dan fahamkan walaupun satu subtopik yang kecil,kerana daripada itu aku dapat tingkatkan kefahaman aku.

Tuesday 21 March 2017

Type of website(PB)


  • KMNS portal is the type of website that offer many services such as instant message(message box),forum post,private file and discussion.This portal where lecturer and student can access.
  • Another example of portal is MSN,Yahoo! & MOE

  •  Instagram is a type of website allow the creating and sharing of information, ideas, career interests and other forms of expression.
  • Another example of online social network is Twitter,Facebook and Wechat. 



  • Wikipedia is type of website that offer a free online encyclopedia, created and edited by volunteers around the world.
  • Another example of wiki is Weebly and Wikihow  



  • Lazada is  online shopping that promote and sell their product or services.
  • Another example of business marketing is 11street,zalora and trivago.

  •  Blogger is a website where users share their stories in their personal life in a piost.
  • Another example of blog is wordpress.

Tuesday 28 February 2017

Life is a choice,choose it wisely

Where are you today in life? Are you where you want to be? Are you happy, sad or indifferent? Where you are is a direct result of the choices you have made up to this point in your life. At the time, some choices might have seemed inconsequential, while others were major life choices. But in the end, all of these choices form together to create the person you are today and the life you live. If you start being more aware of your choices, you can change your life.



There i was standing infront of goal.I was about 25m away from the goal keeper.In front of the goal was a defense that stretched along the left side and around the back.I had two choices.
  1. I could "goal",meaning i could intentionally hit it short so that i would have an easier shot(greater chance to goal).
  2. I could go for it and aim for the middle of the turf and risk losing my ball because of defense clear my ball.

A little background about my hockey game.i'm not that good .I have my moments,but for the most part,when i am standing up there ready to hit the ball ,i have no idea what is going to happen.I have idea what i want to hapeen,but for some reason with hockey,that rarely happens.